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SA update to version v
Planned update.
In this update, possibility of resample and shift of the signals on fractional values of frequencies is added.
Perhaps more important part of current updating, is the first stage of integration in SA calculator K.
The first stage doesn't mean the high-grade calculator. At this stage, in SA the mainframe of preliminary processing, so-called preprocessing is integrated. The primary goals of this block, gathering of primary parameters of the signal, and preliminary rough processing of this data.
The list from the most probable values "Magic K" which detailed analysis will be spent in the second part of the calculator which integration is planned further will be result of work the pre-processing block.
Nevertheless, even in such, very strongly simplified kind, it is already possible to receive authentic enough values K on some signals.
That is much better, than absolutely nothing.As work with the calculator means some knowledge of main principles of its action, and some specific skills, the article concerning calculator use in practice has been written. Also some separate moments and problems of getting authentic values K ==> Analysis OFDM with CP in SA versions - a pre-processor of calculator K.
As usual, in this version some minor errors found out by users SA are eliminated, and small changes are added in some modules and blocks.
Good luck~
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Файл создан: 24 Jan 2012 23:05, посл. исправление: 24 Jan 2012 23:49 |